New Premises – Ground Broken

December 2015
We’ve been hoping to move out of rented accommodation, and in to our own premises, for several years now. So, having recently celebrated our 25th Anniversary and seen steady growth in the business for several years, we’ve decided to ‘bite the bullet’ and take a look at what property opportunities were out there in the market.
With the mantra of ‘make the best of every opportunity’ we wanted our own premises to give employees the chance to utilise their years of engineering knowledge/skills further, so we looked into premises that include an industrial unit. This would give us the chance to more easily manage our involvement with Prototype & Build projects, as well as Reverse Engineering. Our own unit will give us the space we need to maintain a small workshop, clean build area and storage for client products and parts.

So 2015 ended with us having found just that property – a New Build – one that suits all our needs by providing the required office space and the industrial space. Ground was broken in November 2015 and the excitement of watching construction throughout 2016 commences, with a hoped completion date of November 2016!

January 2016
We’re glad to be sharing this exciting news with you and will be posting more blogs as the build progresses, updating you with the highs and – no doubt – lows!