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Startup Hub

Startup Hub

Turn your ideas into a commercial reality

You already have a great idea for a new product or part. Maybe you’re unsure how to build a prototype or who to talk to about the commercial viability. Which is why A4 Plus have created the StartUp Hub.

This is a resource aimed at any new company looking to start their commercial journey. Perhaps you’re a business already operating. Or, maybe you’ve proved an idea as best you can at the kitchen table with a mocked-up prototype but now need to take it to the next level.

Whatever your set-up, you’ve one thing in common – an idea for a new product but limited funds for the design and development. In truth you might be unsure on the process and how to bring your product to market.

A4 Plus has over 30 years’ experience in the design, development and testing of new products. We’ve the capabilities and expertise to make your ideas a reality. Which is why if you have the initial idea, we can provide the specialist advice.

The StartUp Programme

This programme is all about working together. A way to harness our expertise with a view to launch a new concept. There are a number of factors we’ll consider before accepting a product idea into the StartUp programme.

Right idea

An initial assessment of the product idea will be made by us. It’s important to understand at this early stage whether the part or product has any market potential. We’ll explore the concept using our checklist to assess the viability.

Right people

Being able to meet and talk to you about the idea is crucial. We need to understand to what extent you have a vision and plan for your product. Even at this early stage it’s important to assess how you’re going to take it to market.

Right for us

We know where our skills and expertise can be best used. Our main aim is to develop, build and test viable commercial products. Which is why we’ll be very honest with our feedback. We want to ensure you can make the most of our skills.

If you’re accepted onto the programme, you’ll benefit from substantially discounted rates of charge. We both need to be invested, and our time, resources and expertise at discounted rates is ours. In return there’ll be a commercial agreement in the form of royalties based on taking the product to market and future sales.


The process
works both ways

There have to be benefits for both parties. The initial upfront investment, in terms of design and development time, is something we can provide while delivering the new product to market will be your responsibility. Which is why the initial consultation meetings are so important to us both.

Benefits to you

  • Substantially reduced charge from us in the initial development, build and testing phase of the prototype.
  • You’ll access to expertise that will help and guide you, utilising our specialist skills and knowledge to develop more commercially viable products or parts.
  • A4 Plus will provide that objective perspective with no emotional attachment to the idea.
  • We’ll agree a plan with absolute clarity on roles and responsibilities – including financial.
  • We’ve a vested interest in your product being successful.
  • The risk during the set-up phase is ours (if the product doesn’t sell, we don’t receive any royalty payments) which is why we offer an initial consultation to assess if the product is commercially viable.

Benefits for us

  • A new income stream, once your product goes to market.
  • Helping you to step out of your business once the product is developed so you can build your company through sales and marketing – resulting in more income for us both

A Structured Approach

Structured approach

1. Consultation Meeting
This will explore your idea in detail. We’ll ask lots of questions and you’ll have the opportunity to do the same. It’s important we all start at the same point and appreciate what our obligations are going forward.

2. Agreement

If we’re both comfortable with each other an Agreement will be drawn up. This will detail both our obligations and responsibilities as well as set-out the financial royalties for when the product goes to market.

3. Design and Development

This is where your idea becomes a reality. We produce any further concepts, designs and work toward a full manufacturing pack. This is an important stage before we go into our one-stop prototype workshop. Any manufacturing costs are yours, even those needed for prototyping. Following the prototype build, we look at performance testing.

4. Approval and Sign-off

Once we’ve a proven prototype that’s been approved by both parties it’s ready to go to market. The next stage will be in your hands. As part of the programme we will have given you advice on what you need to think about in terms of production, manufacturing costs and tooling. It’ll be your responsibility to source and manage these aspects.

There are shared rewards and risks associated with the StartUp Hub. The initial investment will be made by A4 Plus in terms of our time. In return we ask for a proportion of your sales once the product goes to market. Which is why a formal agreement is put in place to safeguard both our interests from the outset.

Sounds interesting? Then why not get in touch with us today to find out more?


Ready to get started on your project?

Call 01354 691820 or write to us and see what we can do for you.